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To get your family bond better, here are a few activities you can do at home after dinner
Dinner is probably one meal throughout the day that you eat at home with your entire family. And there's no better way than do some activities post dinner time to enhance your bond with your loved ones. Here are a few...
Appreciation time
You can call it the appreciation time or the acknowledgement time. This is when you sit down with everyone and recognise the work done by each person, be it your husband, wife, children, parents etc. You make each member of the family say something about the other person that they acknowledge and would like the person to know.
Family movie night
How many times have you sat down with your whole family and watched your favourite movie? Here's your chance to do that. You can save this activity for the weekends when you have more time to spend with your loved ones. On weekdays, you can sit down and watch your favourite sitcom.
Indoor play time
There's nothing better than playing a game of cards or chess with your kids or your husband before going off to bed. Not only will it help you bond better but also ensure that you stay active enough. Playing games is also the best way to relax after a long, tiring day at work and relieve your stress.
Fun craft time
Encourage your kid to do his or her craft work post dinner, so that you and your husband can help your child with it. Sitting around the table cutting, rolling craft paper and artwork is a fun way of spending time with your family.
Sourse : Times of India

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