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Choosing the perfect massage oil is very important for your baby's comfort

Keeping your baby's skin moist is very important. During the first couple of months after the baby is born, regular oil massages and bathing are crucial.
Usually, a masseur for babies is assigned the task in Indian households. However, giving gentle oil massage and bathing one's own baby lets a mother get closer to the baby and it feels great. The satisfaction is intangible.
Mother-child bond is very special. And getting involved in the child's daily routine only strengthens the bond.
If you are confused on which oil to use, the market has all the answers to it. While branded baby oils are always at your service with brands like Pigeon, Johnson & Johnson, Himalaya, Chicco et al offering baby oils which can be tried. At the same time grandma's preferred oils like pure sesame and olive oil too can be tried.
Here are tips on how to go about the baby oil
1. Before trying any baby oil on your baby's skin, just apply a little bit on the hand to see if it is compatible with your baby's skin.
2. If your baby develops rashes on the applied patch then avoid the kind of oil. But mostly, almost all the baby oil brands suit the baby skin.
3. Gently pour the oil over your baby's stomach and start with gentle strokes. Do not put unnecessary force while giving the massage. It is not required.
4. Always keep in mind that your baby's comfort level is important. Give massage only when your baby is up to it.
5. Observe your baby's waking up cycle and then decide on what time you want to give massage to your baby. Usually, after a good massage, babies tend to go to sleep. So let your baby enjoy a good sleep after the massage and ones he/she wakes up then go for giving a bath.
Sourse : Times of India

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