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Diets promise to be the quickest way to a trim waistline. Celebs are constantly in the news for their wacky diets, which many blindly ape without knowing their dangerous side-effects.

From baby food to feeding tube diets, we look at some weight-loss methods that you must avoid.
Master cleanse: Cleanses are the latest fad, promising to detoxify the body, and, in the process, help shed a few extra kilos. The master cleanse is a starvation diet, in which no more than a concoction of lemon juice, maple syrup, water, cayenne pepper, salt water and a laxative tea are consumed for 10 days. This is dangerous as, in the long run, it leads to muscle breakdown, and a shortage of important nutrients weakens the body's ability to fight infections and inflammation.
Feeding tube diet: In the Ketogenic Enteral Nutrition (KEN) diet, a feeding tube delivers liquid formula directly into the stomach for 10 days. A pump and liquid in a bag must be carried around and hung by the bed at night. The tube can only be taken off for an hour each day to drink a cup of unsweetened herbal tea. KEN sends the body into controlled starvation, forcing it to use its own fat for energy. The drastic weight loss results in dizziness, constipation, dehydration, headache and kidney stones.
Fruitarian diet: As the name suggests, this diet consists of only fruits. All other foods, including vegetables, are not allowed in this diet. Not eating enough nutrients such as vitamin B12, protein, iron, zinc, vitamin D or calcium, which are not found in fruits, can lead to anaemia and can hit the immune system.
Paleolithic diet: Also known as the Stone Age diet, dieters only eat foods that humans consumed before they started practising farming. It primarily consists of wild meat, fish, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Though this may sound healthy, critics say that the diet misses out on key nutrients as it excludes whole grains, legumes and dairy products.
HCG diet: In this diet, the hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone, which is found in the urine of pregnant women and human placenta, is either injected directly into the bloodstream, ingested or rubbed into the skin in a cream form. Along with this, dieters must eat no more than 800 calories a day. However, there is no proof that the hormone helps reduce weight. Any fat loss is due to the low calorie intake, which is known to result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Baby food diet: Eating small portions of food throughout the day is a good idea, but not when it's baby food that you are consuming. In the baby food diet, weight watchers eat tiny portions of pureed food 14 times a day. This can be dangerous as baby food lacks the adequate amount of protein that adults require, therefore resulting in decreased muscle tissue. This, in turn, slows down the metabolic rate, instead of boosting it.
Sourse : Times of India

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