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Are you struggling to meet deadlines at work? Do you always find yourself in the office long after your colleagues have left and the lights are dimmed? Well, don't know if you know this, but you might have a problem at hand. Now before you start getting all defensive, we'd like to add that we have a few tricks to help you get done on time and have a social life :-D. Take a look at eleven smart ways you can get your work done faster.




1. Prioritise: If your mind is preoccupied with a million and one other things, that's probably one of the reasons you are slow. Decide what is the most important thing at hand and do that first. You can think of the rest later. Get to work! You’ll be surprised at how fast you can work when you’re thinking of one thing at a time.




2. Practise: Practice makes perfect! It’s a cliché but it's true. When you do something over and over, you only get better at it. Couldn’t type fast as a child? Look how quickly you’re typing away right now. We're pretty sure most of you don’t even have to look at the keyboard anymore. Instant messaging paid off, huh?




3. Don’t procrastinate: Are you wasting time thinking about how you’re going to go about with this project? There’s no point if you’re going to miss the deadline. Stop thinking, start doing!




4. Make a to-do list: At the start of your day, make a list. Write down what’s most important and then go in descending order. This will give you a clear picture of all that is pending, thereby reducing your effort and time.




Source: idiva

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