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How a job you loathe can be made bearableHating your job can put you under undue pressure and make your work environment miserable - not just for you, but also for your co-workers. Following are the ways summed up by the New York Daily News, in which the situation can be made a little more bearable when an immediate switch may not be an

option. People should try to find their flow state, as even if they hate their job, they probably have found some tasks that help them to lose track of time, which helps it pass faster. Changing their mindset will help people if they are stuck at their job and can’t move on to another one, and should make the most of the situation. Kyra Mancine, senior writer/PR/social media manager for QCI Direct suggests changing up routine to help people feel better. People should stop complaining and start doing something, as the more people dislike their employment situation, the more likely they are to complain.

Deborah Deras, brand ambassador for the Hispanic Market, said that people should choose to accept it or change it, but should not complain. Rebecca Sullivan, a PR professional, said that people should seek pleasure out of their free time. People should find new hobbies or re-engage in ones that they used to love, and put your energy there rather than into work. Alan Carniol, founder of, said that people should take more work not less, as it has the ability to make them happier.



Source: HT

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