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BeautyHere's why : 

A bronzed look, a dash of shimmer, neon lipstick and maybe a dab of blue eye shadow maybe all that you need to look like a million bucks on a night out. However, not everything we dabble on our faces is bound to please everyone. When it comes to make-up trends, here's a list of things that women think are hot, while men think are totally out. 
Foundation flouts: Alright, so you are scarred (maybe not for life) from a recent acne outbreak, right before an all important party that you have been waiting to attend for the last six months. While you might think that foundation is the solution, there is always a tendency to overdo it. A face that's flaking is one thing, but there's no bigger turn-off than kissing one. Also, a two-tone face is not something that would go unnoticed by a man, unless they are blind. 
Bump the bumped look: Gwen Stefani might have been able to pull of that look and it caught on faster than you could say trend, but the 'bumpit' look has become so much of an overkill that even the men are beginning to notice. Not only does it make your head look unnaturally large, but it makes your head look unnaturally large. 
No-no to the neon: Let's face it, you wear a hot new shade of your latest neon lipstick to the club once and become automatically ten times cooler than the rest of the crowd wearing (gasp), normal lipsticks. While the electric pout might have been the coolest thing to rule the roost since miniskirts, men beg to differ. Simply because they are not sure how to react to an orange pout. 
Eyes eyes baby: Overly plucked thin eyebrows and bold eye shadows just make you look like you rubbed your eyes while putting your make up on. Smoky eyes once in a way are okay, but to use it for a casual date in a fast food joint is just pushing it a tad too far. 
Glitz Gone wrong: All that glitters sadly, is not always gold. Compare your glitter to some fine seasoning that you would use in a main course dish. Not really a vital ingredient, but definitely something that enhances the overall look. Same goes with your glitter shades. A dash on the cheekbones, or the ends of your eyes can work wonders. 
Sourse  :  Times of India

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