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It is not easy to find love and if you are lucky to having found one, it is quite challenging to keep it going and maintaining a healthy relationship. 

Experts say that you have to try balancing between love, patience and self-esteem to really make it. Well, by focusing on certain elements, your relationship is sure to thrive for years to come.
1. Trust and honesty are the most basic of all ingredients to any healthy relationship. Trust like honesty deepens over time. Couples who are able to trust each other don't have to deal with insecurities between each other. They're able to speak freely and be themselves, knowing that their partner loves them for it without passing any judgement.
2. Couples need to communicate and talk through both easy and challenging issues.
3. Couples need to be forgiving as it is rightly said that couples who can't make up will break up. Learn to let go of the past.
4. Giving space to each other is very important in any relationship. Couples need to develop different interests and habits in order to have continued interest in the relationship.
5. Friendship between couples is utmost necessary. They need to be friends as well as lovers. But when passion wanes, it is deep friendship that keeps people together. Most long-term married couple will agree with this.
Sourse  :  Times of India

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