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Five simple tips for a flat tummyStomach fat is one thing that many of us struggle to get rid of it. But as we age, it gets trickier to lose the belly bulge. However, a well-balanced diet along with exercise can do wonders and help you lose that thick unwanted belly fat. Here are five simple ways to achieve that flat, sexy and toned tummy:


Do cardio:

Aerobic exercise is the best way to burn the belly fat. A Duke University study also confirms that aerobic exercise is the most effective in burning that deep, visceral belly fat. According to the study, aerobic training burns 67% more calories than resistance training or a combination of the two.

House cleaning:

You can lose your thick belly fat even while doing your household chores like vacuum cleaning. Vacuuming is a great stomach workout as it tightens your abdominal muscles while you do your cleaning.

Replace soda with plain water:

Swap soda and other carbonated drinks, which will only gang up in your belly with plain water. Drink lots of water (at least eight big glasses of water) a day to reduce bloating. Bloating can make your tummy appear fatter than it is.

Sleep for 7 hours or more:

If you want to lose your belly fat fast, try to get more sleep. Studies have shown that those who sleep 7 hours or more a night lose twice as much fat and are less hungry than those who sleep less than 7 hours a day.

Eat healthy:

Remember, you are what you eat. The foods that you eat can play an important part in your body, especially when you are on a diet. Try to reduce the amount of calories from sugars and fats. Take whole grain foods and skimmed milk. Fruits and vegetables are a must in your healthy diets.

Compiled by: Salome Phelamei



Source: Zee News

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