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Is Technology killing our relationship ?Communication devices were supposed to help people stay connected. However, there seems to be a disconnect. Has technology failed us?

There was a time when couples would use the evening meal as a time to talk face to face about the day gone by, issues that had cropped up and problems that they faced. However, with the arrival of smartphones and computers and other communication devices, couples are turning away from conversing with each other and instead, are seeking company in their latest gadget and gizmo. As a result, conversation with a partner is slowly dying out, silently killing relationships.

And while we cannot deny that technology has helped bring us closer in the virtual world, we need to examine whether we have paid a heavy price for that by letting our relationships in the real world drift apart.

According to a survey conducted abroad, about 80% of people avoid conversations as they are busy on their phone or laptop at the dinner table. About 76% of couples also revealed that silence envelopes the space between them in bed as they sit around surfing the net using their phone or laptops, without saying a word. Around 80% of people said they hate being interrupted when on their phone or laptop. People have become so obsessed with having a virtual presence that very few make it a point to socialise in the real world. This was evident when 98% of couples said they had never held a dinner party for friends, which was a common practice earlier. Couples now prefer to hangout with their friends on the net, using video conference or group messages.

We cannot shun technology as it has become a vital part of our lives. We have to make an effort to ensure that we are not enslaved by it. No amount of gadgets can replace the level of interaction that you experience when communicating face to face with a person. So, before technology kills conversation and our relationship with our closed ones, we have to take charge. Set boundaries and stick to them.

What you can do

Plan 'me time' with your partner and make a conscious effort not to use a communication device during this time.

Switch off your laptop or phone before going to bed, and while out for dinner with your partner, friends and family.

Avoid browsing the net on your phone or laptop while having a conversation with your partner as it's disrespectful.

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