CMC Limited a Tata Enterprise is a premier information technology company with an all India presence having CMMI Level -5 and ISO 9001-2000 certification for its R&D center & System Integration (NR group). The company was established by Govt of India in 1976 and Tata’s took over in the year 2003. So, now it’s part of TCS.
Some of the major project works done by us are as below;
• MPOWER: online billing and CRM solution for power utilities
• VOICE- Online system of municipalities.
• CMS- Construction Mgt System
• IHC- Micro managing public Health
• Derivatives Trading System(DTSS)
• Ports & Cargo- MACH & CALM
And various other e-governance projects for state governments like punjab, andhra pradesh, etc
In addition to this, we offer Project Based Industrial Training especially on following domains
• .Net Technologies 2010
• Advance Java Programming / J2EE With AJAX
• Embedded Systems
Duration of the training is 6 Months/ 4 Months/ 6 Weeks.
Training is conducted in two modules:
• Software Engineering
Elective (Any one of the following topics)
• .Net Technologies 2010
• Advance Java Programming / J2EE With AJAX
• Embedded Systems
Projects are allotted on the technologies dealt with in the first module. One project is allotted to group4-5 students.
A certificate is provided to all the participants at the end of the training.
MCA / B.Tech / BE / BCA /
Please feel free to contact us for any further clarifications.
With Warm Regards,
Address: G- 18, IInd Floor, Preetvihar, Delhi-92
ATC CMC LtdPreet Vihar Delhi